About SociometryPro

    SociometryPro is a software program that is designed for specialists working with groups of people to measure their interpersonal relations. It can be helpful for project managers, team leaders and others who needs to build the effective teams for processing successful projects. Common end users of SociometryPro are psychologists, human resources managers, training managers, teachers, and so on.

    SociometryPro is based on the famous approach of J.L.Moreno (the USA). Sociometry can help if you need to make a powerful team which is able to perform almost any tasks. You can manage the integrity of a team when using sociometry approach as a method to evaluate the team status. Using sociometry, you can define the correct methods for overcoming the difficult situations which can exist in the team.

    General purpose of SociometryPro is helping in:

    • Detecting an internal team structure and dynamics of changing the internal relations
    • Building powerful teams to perform any complex projects
    • Optimizing the project management and increasing its efficiency
    • Optimizing the social and psychological climate in a team
    • Discovering the changes in internal team relations when conditions are changed (for example, new employees are engaged, the other ones are discharged, the salary values are changed, etc.)

    The final result of SociometryPro usage can be:

    • Saving the time because of the automation of calculating the sociometry research results
    • Saving the money in result of saving the time
    • Visualizing the sociometry data in graphic views (tables of choices, indexes, graphs, targets)
    • Generating the suitable reports

    But don't forget that SociometryPro is powerful tool in hands of a good specialist only. The program calculates the necessary results and automates the laborious and repeating calculations. But it never will be able to replace you as a specialist and never define how you are to behave for improving a team status. Eventually, your knowledge and skills only will help you to reach the successful result. And we hope that SociometryPro helps you significantly to do that.
