Sindy Overview


    We are glad to present an overview of Sindy to your attention. This video presentation consists of two parts. It's published at YouTube service and the links are provided below. Due to YouTube, you can set the desirable traffic working with the video flow.

    The first part of the presentation will introduce Sindy to you. The second part shows the program in detail. Here, we will together create a simple test, run it and look the testing results in a practical example.

    Video overview, part 1:


    • Brief overview of the presentation
    • General capabilities of Sindy
    • Typical areas of usage for Sindy
    • Common principles when constructing a test in the program
    • Introducing Sindy's GUI

    Duration: 8 min. 02 sec.

    SINDI Overview URL, Part 1Link

    Video overview, part 2:


    • Developing a simple test
    • Running the test created
    • Getting testing reports for testing
    • Conclusion

    Duration: 13 min. 12 sec.

    SINDI Overview URL, Part 2Link

    Text script of the Video Overview:

    As well, you can go to text transcript of the Demo about Sindy published as a single article.
